My favorite “passing of time” is sitting on a large busy square in a big city, watching people passing by. New York, Paris, London, Amsterdam, it doesn’t matter where. It doesn’t matter what people look like. Young, old, ugly or beauty queens. A happy face of a child playing or somebody old showing the signs of time. So many different faces and every one of them is unique in its own way.
The same goes for cats and dogs. A stray, a mutt or a dog show champion. They’re all cute. Look into a dog’s eyes and you can tell what he is up to.
Human eyes can tell a story of life itself. That’s what I want to capture in my portraits.
Pastel is an excellent medium for rendering dramatic qualities of light in a portrait. The colors are immensely varied from soft delicate tints to bright vibrant hues and rich deep darks. The advantage of a powdery medium like pastel is that it is easily blended to create a range of subtle and beautiful effects.
Every face is worth drawing
Cora is born and raised in the Netherlands and since 2000 living in beautiful and picturesque Bucks County Pennsylvania.